Saturday, January 24, 2009

2 weeks, 2 hikes, 2 times the fun!

Last week we all went for a hike up the Pacific Northwest Trail (PNT) along Chukcanut Drive to hopefully make it to the Bat Caves, but we started out too late to make it that far. We made good time and did get up high enough to enjoy the view, sat at the bench someone lugged up there for a while and headed back down, great sunny warm January day!

Today we rented snowshoes and drove to Mt Baker. Parking lot was dry concrete so we got all suited up and walked over to the edge of the snow, got our snow shoes on and headed out for another sunny hike. Alex was not enjoying the snow shoe hike as much as the trail hike to the caves, so he and Debbie turned around about 30 minutes into the hike. Jacob and I continued on, but not too far, we went to the base of Table Top Mountain. Everyone had more fun on the deeper snow rather than the cat track we were using to get up higher originally. We all met up at the car and home safe. I think we all had fun, but in different ways.

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